
News Archive

HGEA Submits Testimony Against Administration Proposed Changes to Act 1

April 03, 2017

REMINDER: Make your voices heard!

If you have not done so already, please consider submitting testimony in opposition to the Administration’s proposed changes to Act 1. Click here to read HGEA’s testimony in strong opposition.

How to submit testimony in 5 easy steps:

1. Click here:
2. Log-in or create a user account
3. Click the “Submit Testimony” icon in the middle of the page
4. Enter measure “SB207”
5. Fill in your name, email address, and position – OPPOSE.  Please tell the Committee why passage of this bill will harm you and your family! Press “Submit.”


Please be sure to spread the word to your fellow HHSC members who might not have received this important update. We will continue to keep you updated via eBulletin and this website.

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