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Banner Health Update: House Finance bills deferred, Senate Ways and Means to make decision on Tuesday

February 24, 2013

UPDATE, Feb. 26: The Senate Committee on Ways and Means has deferred its Feb. 26 hearing to Wednesday, February 27 at 9:15 a.m.

On Feb. 22, the House Committee on Finance recommended to defer H.B. 1483, which establishes a task force to study the feasibility of allowing the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation regional systems and their facilities to transition to a public-private partnership status, and H.B. 1484, which would amend the governance structure of HHSC. Both House bills were deferred to the week of Feb. 25 for decision making. We will update you via the eBulletin once the hearing notice is issued.
A hearing on the Senate companion bill, S.B. 1306, which would permit the transition of HHSC to non-public status, will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 26 by the Senate Committee on Ways and Means. This is a decision making meeting only. No public testimony will be accepted. However, you can still submit written testimony prior to the hearing.
We encourage you to submit written testimony in opposition of this bill. (Click here to view S.B. 1306, S.D. 1.)
Senate Ways and Means Committee
Hearing on Senate Bill 1306
Tuesday, February 26
10:05 a.m.
State Capitol, Conference Room 211
You can submit your testimony for S.B. 1306 in one of three simple ways:
By Email: Email, if less than 5 pages in length, to Committee at Please indicate the measure, date and time of the hearing. Email sent to individual office or any other Senate office will not be accepted.


By Web: Online if less than 10MB in size, at


In person: One copy of comments to the Committee Clerk, Room 208, State Capitol. Please mark as comments and indicate the measure, date and time of the hearing.

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